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Treat Multiple Sclerosis Naturally

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease in which the myelin sheath on the nerve endings gets inflamed and damaged. This leads to scarring of the neurological tissue in the brain and spinal cord. While the medical model has very little support, many individuals have found ways to beat multiple sclerosis with natural lifestyle strategies.

MS is a condition in which the body's own immune system attacks the fatty myelin sheaths that insulate nerve tissue. This results in scar tissue plaques that disrupt neurological signals throughout the body. MS actually means multiple scars/plaques/lesions. One of the major areas that is affected is the white matter of the brain and spinal cord which is mostly myelin


Multiple Sclerosis Pathogenesis:

Multiple sclerosis affects approximately 400,000 people in the United States alone, and 2.5 million worldwide, most of them being young adults. It expresses itself in four clinical forms: relapsing remitting MS (RRMS), secondary progressive MS (SPMS), primary progressive MS (PPMS), and progressive relapsing MD (PRMS).

Approximately 87% of patients present with RRMS, characterized by acute attacks (relapses) followed by partial or full recovery (remission). Patients can manifest with a heterogeneous group of symptoms including changes in vision (unilateral visual loss, diplopia), weakness, dyscoordination, sensory loss or distortions, or changes in bowel and bladder function.

Less diagnostic but also disabling symptoms include cognitive change, fatigue and mood disturbance. Progression of disease may eventually lead to severe disability. Life expectancy is 5 – 10 years less than the normal population.


Chronic Neurological Inflammation:

The MS disease is characterized by chronic inflammation within the nervous system. It is believed to be an auto-immune disease where the T lymphocytes attack the protective sheath (the myelin sheath) around the white areas of the brain including the brain stem, optic nerve, basal ganglia and spinal cord.

The white matter functions to carry signals between the gray matter regions, where the major processing is done and the rest of the body. When the myelin is lost the neuron can no longer effectively conduct electrical signals. The major cells that form the myelin are called oligodendrocytes (OD).


Remyelination and Glial Activation:

The body tries to remyelinate in the early phases of the disease but is unable to because the OD cells are under constant immune attack. As the OG cell numbers go up, the immune system in the brain which is controlled by the microglia cells becomes more active and this results in an aggravation of the MS process.

This is called glial activation and upon repeated destruction of the OG cells and myelin sheath this process leads to scar-like plaques that developed around the damaged neurons.

Additionally, MS is characterized by a breakdown in the blood brain barrier (which protects the brain from toxins, infectious microorganisms and our own immune system) and T lymphcytes which are normally unable to cross the blood brain barrier are able to enter into the neurological tissue. These T lymphocytes agitate more inflammatory mechanisms and promote swelling and further tissue destruction.

Immune Modulation:

Chronic inflammatory disorders are characterized by a hyper responsive immune system. There are several key factors that must be addressed to regulate and better coordinate the immune system.

1. Poor Blood Sugar Stability: Blood sugar imbalances cause immune dysfunction and malcoordination. Stable blood sugar is critical for a healthy immune response.

2. Low Vitamin D Levels: Individuals with low vitamin D3 levels (below 40 ng/ml) are at significant risk for developing chronic inflammation and auto-immunity.

3. Gut Dysbiosis: Poor microbial balance in the gut microbiome leads to leaky gut syndrome and chronic inflammation. The gut must be addressed in order to get well.

4. Mitochondrial Dysfunction: The mitochondria are the energy producing organelles in each cell of the body. They are extremely key in the bodies ability to handle oxidative stress. Dysfunction in the mitochondria leads to increased free radical and oxidative stress which creates immune alterations. Many researchers believe that multiple sclerosis is primarily a mitochondrial disease.

5. Low Glutathione Levels: Glutathione is the major anti-oxidant within every cell of the body. It is critical for white blood cell (WBC) function as the WBC's encounter tremendous amounts of free radical and oxidative stress every second of the day. Low glutathione leads to chronic inflammation and often to auto-immunity.

6. Poor Omega 6:3 ratio: The average person has significantly more omega 6 fats than omega 3 fats. The increased omega 6 stimulate the release of pro-inflammatory mediating prostaglandin molecules. This is a key factor in the development of chronic inflammation and auto-immunity.

7. Upper Cervical Subluxation: The bottom of the skull (occiput) and the first bone (atlas) play a significant role in the coordination patterns of the brain and immune system. Dysfunction at this joint torques and compresses the top of the spinal cord and increases inflammatory activity in the body.

8. Environmental Toxins: Exposure to high levels of infectious microbes, environmental chemicals such as plasticizers, pesticides, herbicides, personal care products, heavy metals and biotoxins such as mold wear down the bodies glutathione levels, alter the gut microflora and increase inflammatory activity in the body.

9. High Stress and Poor Breathing Habits: High mental and emotional stress increases stress hormone production which induces inflammatory activity within the body. Short and shallow breathing habits can simulate chronic mental and emotional stressors on the physiological level.

10. Lack of Sleep: Poor sleep promotes immune dysfunction and increased inflammation. Good sleeping habits and optimal melatonin secretion reduce inflammation and promote improved tissue healing.

11. Methylation: Methylation is a key process that protects DNA, turns on and off genetic traits and helps to detoxify environmental chemicals. Many individuals have certain genetic polymorphisms that limit their ability to appropriately methylate. Methylation plays a very important role in T cell function and poor methylation status is associated with the development of auto-immunity.

12. EMF Exposure: Electromagnetic frequency exposure has been shown to alter the function of the immune system and increase one's susceptability to developing an auto-immune condition.

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